The Pit
A homosexual fell into a pit and couldn’t get himself out.
A pharisaic fundamentalist came along and said, “You deserve your pit.”
A psychologist came along and said, “Accept your pit. That way you’ll be happy.”
An apostate liberal came along and said, “Your pit is God’s beautiful gift to you.”
A gay activist came along and said, “Fight for your right to stay in your pit.”
A researcher came along and said, “Discrimination against pits is illegal.”
A charismatic came along and said, “Just confess that you’re not in that pit.”
Respectable people came along and said, “We don’t associate with pit dwellers.”
His mother came along and said, “It’s your father’s fault you’re in that pit.”
His father came along and said, “It’s your mother’s fault you’re in that pit.”
But Jesus, seeing the man, loved him,
And reaching into the pit, put his arms around the man and pulled him out.